Maralal Behind County Commissioner Garage +254722719946/+254724826029
Maralal Behind County Commissioner Garage +254722719946/+254724826029

About us

The Samburu, inhabitants of Samburu County, a County that stretches north from the Wuaso Ng’iro River to the south of Lake Turkana, have traditionally been identified as a pastoralist community. But in recent years, climate change, population growth and urbanisation have invaded Northern Kenya, causing a reduction in natural resources and a dip in livestock prices. This, coupled with a lack of viable markets locally and overseas due to information asymmetry, has forced the Samburu Maa speaking people to go back to the drawing board in order to protect their livelihoods and develop coping strategies for economic survival, as they can no longer depend on livestock keeping as the only viable livelihood activity.

Resorting to agricultural crops in traditional maize growing in Kenya has exacerbated the socio-economic hardships of the people who have met with the challenges of governance that creates surplus in good times and shortages during unpredictable rain seasons thus attracting conflicts from migrating pastoralists’ neighbours.

Wheat farming, on the other hand, has over the years not yielded much income: the crop is dominated by those with machinery and capital, renting their land for a paltry Kshs. 200 annual leases with uncertain payments. Pollutants to the soils of the grazing fields due to poisoning through use of fertilisers and pesticides also affect crop yield.

Subsequently, NAITEMU NATURE PROMOTIONS, a home grown NGO has come in handy by offering sustainable solutions through planting of pyrethrum and glicidia tree. NAITEMU Stands for SUSTAINABILITY.

Our venture will offer hope once more through integrated empowering programmes: focusing on the wellbeing of people to benefit from ecosystem goods and services (as a right enshrined in the new constitution), on water and soil fertility, community development and research extension outreach.

Our pilot project has 17 Acres of pyrethrum using local labour and technical support from the Government keen to promote crops with farmers in Samburu County. It has been our dream going back three decades to act as a demo farm while sourcing materials from Pyrethrum Board of Kenya; my intention is to upscale, hand in hand with neighbouring farmers who are also pooling farm labour and earning income for their families in an environment with extremely limited opportunity for employment.

We have the Evergreen International Consultancy ready to work with us in technical support and international networking for the Gliricidia farming project.

The 13 Arid and Semi-Arid Counties in Kenya will benefit from the success of our CBO before we venture into the regional and African market. We seek to be a leading and transformational organization offering Consultancy Services and to promote the welfare of NATURE for current and future generations.


The organisation is registered Community Based Organisation (CBO) in Kenya. The founder, Simeon Saimanga Lesrima, a former Public Servant with extensive experience in both the public and private sector, has now ventured into dairy, shoats, camel rearing, pyrethrum farming and Conservation Agriculture in the Samburu and Kajiado Counties in the Republic of Kenya.

The founder, together with his partners and Directors, now want to upscale the same activities, beginning in Samburu and extending this to other agro-pastoralists groups in different parts of the country.


To be the leading Community Based Organisation (CBO) transforming agro-pastoralists communities to lead dignified lives in industrialising Kenya.

 Our projects contribute to protecting the environment for our current and future generations and are entrenched in the Constitution of Kenya that guarantees basic human rights, including benefits accrued from ecosystem goods and services.


The Mission involves strategic and targeted programmes aimed at attaining food and water self-sufficiency for home use and markets, thus allowing residents to earn an income that meets their needs.

Application of scientific research technical inputs from relevant Government and Research institutions including collaboration with universities is accessible and so is the potential for value chain benefits.

Soil fertility is of high significance before introducing fodder crops: the soil is subjected to zero tilling to stem soil erosion, conserve water and enrich the soil.

  1. Conservation Agriculture and promotion of Gliricidia fodder crop. This is achieved by introducing pyrethrum and fodder crops, and Conservation Agriculture through Water Resources Users Associations (WRUAs) and Community Forests Associations CFAs) in climatically suitable locations. Samburu West Sub-County is considered ideal as there are agro-pastoralists farmers and human resources from a large pool of unemployed males and females (including over 20 unemployed graduates) to start the programmes.
  2. SHOATS (sheep and goats) FOR DAIRY PRODUCTS, for both local and international markets.
  3. From introduction through the value chain setting up farmers Cooperatives to promote marketing of final environmental friendly and organic pesticides and acaricides, as well as mosquito repellents.
  4. Research and Extension services supporting literate and persons with literacy challenges: Providing local youth and women the opportunity to earn Diploma, Degree and Post Grad Degrees in related fields through the collaboration with Centers of Research and Higher Education. 
  5. Community ICT Promotion Center within Location of Operations to train farmers to take advantage of Information Technology and literacy through the 3 Rs: Reading, Writing and Arithmetic among adults.
  6. Community support systems in health: Covid-19 and HIV, Drugs and Alcohol addiction prevention and rehabilitation, Life Skills Training for Youth, and sustainable population thresholds promotions.
  7. Provision of Green energy and promotion of entrepreneurial skills through use of charcoal from Gliricidia as well as regulation of water use and management of Catchment areas with Water Users Association. 
  8. Pollution mitigation, protection of water tower and value addition through use of waste to produce fertilizer and building materials.
  9. Peace and Reconciliation Trainings and Seminars: This will be carried out with pastoralist neighbours so as to create a meeting point for Turkana, Pokot and Samburu communities that have been locked in cattle rustling for decades, thus affecting youth and women and retarding the achievement of our Vision.